Problems We Solve
Many Loans Are Funded Before We Have a Promissory Note
If these quotes sound familiar, Axiaware may be a good fit for you:"We're Creating Unnecessary Risk"; "This Can Complicate Bundling Loans for Sale"; "We're Wasting a Ton of Time and Resources"; "We Need To Find a Way to Change Those Numbers"; "We're Struggling To Meet Our Goals"Many institutions are feeling pressured to introduce more online loan processing solutions for their customers. However, while there are numerous "e-sign" products available, many of them present risks to institutions who rush to implement them. Assessing risk, protecting business interests, such as secondary market sales, and integrating online solutions with back-office systems are all necessary to the successful implementation of an online or mobile loan capability.
Axiaware can help assure the best solution is selected, and is capable of customizing software to work perfectly between multiple complex systems, while delivering on customer expectations – and ensuring your institution's business objectives are met.
Axiaware partners with the internal resources of financial institutions. Our experts guide the development of software solutions that deliver the capability customers increasingly demand.
"It was an easy and painless process. Axiaware led us through challenges very well. From the very beginning to post-implementation, it was more successful than we envisioned and continues to be that way."We help define project requirements and manage their development in a highly efficient iterative process, producing working software products that achieve primary goals at less cost and with less risk of failure than traditional approaches.--Vice President, Fortune 500 Financial Institution
Our culture of long-term, invested partnership, as well as our proven track record of success has made us a trusted advisor to some of the world's leading insurance and financial institutions.